
Online stores usually use shipping boxes in their “door-to-door" deliveries to customers. The design of these boxes is extremely important because they are a significant marketing tool - they are to present the product and make a good impression on the recipient of the package. By selecting the right type of paper and using a customized print, we are able to create packaging that will be enjoyable and will put a smile on the face of the final recipient.

Such packaging is produced by using offset, flexo or mixed printing technologies, for example, flexo on the outside and offset on the inside in order to obtain the "wow" effect on the recipient.

Thanks to the use of two adhesive lines covered with silicone tape, e-commerce boxes can be used many times, for instance, when making a product return to the sender. This proves to be a very ecological solution. It also allows to close and open the shipping packaging easily and comfortably. The target recipient will avoid bothering with adhesive tape, which is commonly used in typical shipping boxes and produces unnecessary waste.