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Fabricant d'emballages écologiques - Natura Line

We all know how important the impact of industry on our climate is today.

In the face of incoming challenges, we have created a unique range of sustainable packaging based on grass paper.

The Grass Liner brand was created for customers who, together with us, want to consciously take care of the planet, and at the same time stand out with their product on the market.

The use of the Grass Liner series in the production process is undoubtedly associated with the reduction of harmful factors related to the impact of the production of the raw material on the natural environment.

Our top-quality offset printing on the Grass Liner background gives the consumers a sense of aesthetics, purity, naturalness and care for the natural environment.

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ROYALPACK sp. z o.o.

Aleja Brzozowa 2A, Słone

66-008 Świdnica

(+48) 534 747 400


Heures d'ouverture :


pon. – pt. 8:00 – 16:00

Entrepôt, production

pon. – pt. 6:00 – 22:00

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